Pupperazzi Guide – Muttropolis Objectives (Part 1)

Need help completing your objectives in Pupperazzi? Check out this guide for how to solve your first objectives in the Muttropolis area.

Pupperazzi Guide

Welcome to the Into Indie Games guide for Pupperazzi! This guide will take you through fulfilling the objectives in the game.

We’ve arranged the guide by locations, while objectives that can span multiple locations have been put in their own sections. Remember to frequently post to dogNet and build your Follower count, as this is critical to finding new objectives and progressing in the game.

Also note that many elements of the game are randomised, such as which objectives are available to you, which ones are hidden behind the green envelope pick-up, which items can be found where, and where you might find the green envelopes.

For more information on Pupperazzi, check out the Steam page here!

Muttropolis Objectives (Part 1)

Photo of a biking dog with the pixel lens

Pretty much what it says – equip your pixel lens and take a picture of a dog riding a bicycle.

A photo of a duck

To get this picture, go to the park and follow the path to the pond inside the park. Take a picture here that includes at least one duck and you’re done.

Pupperazzi screenshot

Take a photo of a dog with a fire hydrant

Take a picture that includes a fire hydrant and a dog. The dog can be doing anything, but it has to be close to the fire hydrant for this objective to be fulfilled.

Find the boneseller

Go to the outdoor café area in the city (outside the park, i.e.) and take a picture of the shop with the giant bone glowing sign. That’s all you need to fulfil this objective.

Pupperazzi screenshot

Find the business cat’s charts

Go to the park and head towards the playground. Then, jump onto the raised grass area behind the vending machine and you’ll find the cat’s stock charts. Take a picture of the stock charts to complete this one.

A dog playing at the playground

Take a picture that includes a dog in the playground and you’re done with this. Even the dogs sleeping in the fake train will do.

A dog on a tire swing

There are at least two tire swings in the park, one of which is in the playground near the fake train, and the other is located on a grassy hill in the corner of the park.

Continue on with Muttropolis objectives over here!

This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke

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