Planet of Lana Walkthrough – Home, Alone

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Table of Contents

Check out our walkthrough of Planet of Lana to find out how to complete the first two levels of the game, Home and Alone.

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Planet of Lana. This guide covers both the story and all shrine locations in the game.

For more information on Planet of Lana beyond this walkthrough, be sure to check out the official website here.


Begin by running right and dropping down the platform, then running left. Continue going left, following the button prompts to crouch and jump as you go. You eventually end up in the water – swim left and climb up the boat, then run left again.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

When you reach the butcher, crouch behind the crates and wait for the butcher to look away. Then go left while crouched. If you time it right, you should make it just before she looks your way. Continue left, jumping and crouching through the obstacles as you go.

Shortly after youโ€™re out of the village, you will encounter a ledge too high for Lana to jump up to. Thereโ€™s a cart full of wooden logs here – drag the cart all the way to the left, quickly jump over it, and then jump onto the ledge. Crouch through the cave passage to emerge on the inside and reunite with Ilo.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Follow Ilo to the left until the next cutscene plays. After the cutscene, run right, retracing your steps towards the village.

At the spot where you encountered the cart full of logs, you will now find a scanning robot patrolling the area. Hide in the tall grass by crouching and wait for the robot to start moving right. When it does, go right and hide in the next patch of tall grass. Once the robot has passed you to the left, run right and climb the ledge. Keep running to get in the clear.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

As you proceed right, youโ€™ll fall in the water again. Swim under the board walkway and then the path is quite straightforward – just keep going right.

You will eventually hit another scanning robot area. Wait for the scanning robot to ascend and investigate the upper floor, then jump to the right and carry on.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

When you reach the boarded up wall, follow the instructions to tear off the boards and make way. Thereโ€™s a scanning robot on the other side, so wait for it to investigate the upper floor and then crouch through the opening you made. Run right before the robot comes to your side.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Next up, we encounter a spider robot. Wait for the robot to go to the far right, and then run right on the lower floor. When youโ€™re under the robot, wait for it to go left, and then run right.

Climb up the ledge and make a quick run for the passage ahead. The robot will spot you, but this is normal – just make sure youโ€™re inside the passage before it gets you. Proceed to the right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Go right and jump into the water to avoid the scanning robot. At the cave area, break through the boarded wall to enter the cave proper. As you proceed, climb up the rope and go up the platforms, then run right, out of the cave system.

As you keep running right, youโ€™ll end up in a cutscene that marks the end of this chapter – and the beginning of the game.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone


As Lana wakes up, go right and drop off the cliff, then head right again. Continue on, dropping off more ledges, and then jump across to two platforms. At the next ledge, youโ€™ll find a boar below the ledge. You have to get away without alerting the boar to your presence.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Wait for the boar to go to the left, and then drop down the ledge. Immediately hide in the tall grass. Wait for the boar to go left again, and then run right to the next patch of tall grass, where you should hide again. Once more, wait for the boar to go left, and get running all the way to the right, so that youโ€™re free of the boarโ€™s vision.

Continue on right and youโ€™ll slide down a slope. Be sure to jump at the right moment, so that you cross the chasm below and land on solid ground.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Head on right to encounter a more elaborate puzzle.

Go as far right as you can to encounter Crate 1. Drag this crate to the left, so that you can jump onto the upper floor of the structure to the left. Jump up to the top floor and push the crate (Crate 2) all the way to the right, dropping it (and yourself) back down to the ground.

Return to Crate 1 and position it near the left elevator. Climb onto the crate and then onto the elevator to bring it down. This brings the right elevator up, which we will need to get out. Now push Crate 1 near the right elevator, but donโ€™t jump on the right elevator just yet.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Go all the way back to Crate 2 and drag it over to on top of the left elevator. This will prevent the elevator from rising when you climb on the right elevator. Now climb on Crate 1, which should be to the right, and then jump on the right elevator. Then, jump onto the high ledge to the right to finish this puzzle.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Go to the right to find yourself on a platform with two ledges. Thereโ€™s a boar below you, and it will slaughter you if you take the right route. So go left and drop down that ledge.

We now have to get clear of the boar.To do this, we must first bait the boar into going all the way left, and then make a run for the right. Begin by waiting for the boar to go all the way to the right, and then drop down to the ground. Once the boar is alerted, quickly climb up onto the ledge. You should narrowly make it up.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Quickly jump down again and make a run for the right, jumping onto the next platform and getting yourself clear of the boar.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Continue right and drop down two platforms. To proceed to the right, you need to use the black tentacle platform, but to extend it, you need to trigger the pressure pad flowers. You canโ€™t do both at once, of course.

Run to the right to find the dead boar. You can drag it over to the pressure pad flowers to extend the tentacle platform and climb it – but before you do all that, keep running to the left from where you find the dead boar. Here, youโ€™ll encounter your first โ€˜shrineโ€™. There are ten of these in all across the game, and theyโ€™re all tricky to find.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Return to the dead boar and drag it right, onto the pressure pad flowers. Leave the boar there and run right, jumping onto the ledge, then the tentacle platform, then the next ledge.

Go right through a passage to encounter a cutscene. After the cutscene, interact with the switch by pushing it to the right, and the freeing the little creature from the cage. Now push the switch to the left again to close the cage, and drag the cage all the way to the right.

Now return to the switch and push it to the right to open the cage again, which gives you a high platform from which to climb up onto the upper platform.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Now keep running right and following the little creature, jumping across the chasm and climbing the rope as you go. Eventually, youโ€™ll fall down into a pit with no way to get back up.

Notice that to the left, there is a boarded up tunnel – you can break through these boards by jumping onto them from a height. Climb up the left ledge and jump onto the boarded-up tunnel to crash your way through inside.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Crouch your way across and pull off the boards from ahead of you to proceed. Go right, climbing up the rope, then going further right and jumping across the platforms as you go.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

Eventually, youโ€™ll see a cutscene in which the creature is once again in a cage, next to a patrolling spider bot. To proceed, youโ€™ll have to free the creature from the cage. The switch for the cage is located in a cave on the middle floor, to the far right of the screen. 

Planet of Lana Walkthrough - Home, Alone

First, drop down from the passage and hide in the tall grass. Wait for the spider bot to begin to go right, and dragging the cage to the right. Be sure to immediately run back into the grass after dragging the cage. On the second go, when the spider bot is going right, run to the cage, climb up, and then climb up onto the middle ledge.

Wait for the spider bot to be at the far right position again, and pull the switch to the right to open the cage. Go to the right, climb up the rope when you can, and continue right for a cutscene.

After the cutscene, youโ€™ll be in a familiar place. Go left from here and when you get to the cart of logs, drag it to the left so that you can quickly jump on the logs and climb up onto the ledge to the left. Keep going left until you get to another cutscene, which concludes this level of the game.

Check out the next part of our walkthrough for Planet of Lana here!

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This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke