Faeland Walkthrough – Part 3

Check out Part 3 of our Faeland walkthrough to learn how to navigate the Wynn Great Woods and beat the first boss.

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Faeland for the Early Access build (V.0.2.00).

For more information on Faeland beyond this walkthrough, please check out the official steam page here.

After the title reveal, drop down the ledge infront of you. In the next area head down to the bottom, near the waterfall. Kill the mushroom and jump into the water. Swim across the waterfall and jump on the ledge on the right side to open a secret chest to find a Fabric.

Jump back into the water and avoid the two piranhas and head downwards and left. There is a chest down here containing a Small Gold Bag.

Swim to the right now, keeping an eye on your air. You will come across a narrow tunnel, go through and exit the area. In the next area, fill up on air and head straight down to find a chest containing a Small Gold Bag. Swim to the right now, angling downwards to find a cave that leads back to the Spider Caves.   

Swim to the right and jump up on shore. In the next area, hit the blockage to open a path through. Drop down and at the bottom head right to find a bonfire. Save here. Head back out and jump on the ledge, avoiding the green sludge here. Go up to where the spider is and head to the left. There is a boss fight up ahead.

Once you cross the next area, you will come across a giant Spider boss.

He shoots a diagonal web ball, which you can jump or dodge through.

Jump over the web balls and hit him in the face. If the web balls hit you, you will be ensnared. He will also summon adds.

While killing the adds, he will pop up behind and shoot web balls. He will also slam down his right leg down, which can be avoided by rolling away or staying close to his face.

So, dodge his attacks and eventually, he will go down. You will get a Life Vial after.  

Exit the cave and make your back to the location on the map here.

Jump on the vine here and head up. You canโ€™t reach the chest at the top of the vine now.

Jump on the platform on the left and clear the path. Go through to the next area and jump up the ledges, push the block down and get on top to exit the area on the right. Push the block down and then towards the waterfall.

Get up on the block and jump on the bridge. Go through and exit the area. Keep going through this area and you will come up on Valia Town.

This concludes part 3 of our walkthrough for Faeland. You can find part 4 here (Coming soon).

This Article was written by: Mahmud Munazil Rahman