Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough – Demo

Stuck in Murder on Space Station 52’s demo? Check out our walkthrough to find out how to find the toolbox and unblock the access panel.

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Murder on Space Station 52.

For more information on Murder on Space Station 52 beyond this walkthrough, check out the official website here.



As you gain control of Edward, you can begin by talking to the Dockmaster, although this is not required for the story.

Go right to enter the next screen, which is the Docks.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

At the Docks, approach the Sheriff and talk to him. Then, talk to the blue Salvage Scrapper to the right.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

Now return to the Pier by going south. At the Pier, pick up the red toolbox that is to the left of the Dockmaster, near Edward’s sleep pod.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

With the tools picked up, return to the docks and use the toolbox from your inventory with the broken smelter to the right of the Salvage Scrapper.

Talk to the Sheriff now to head on to the next area.

Chapter 1: Capsized Da Capo

Go all the way to the bottom-right of the screen and pick up the solar panel that’s lying there. Go further right to the Building Side.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

Here, our goal is to gain access to the Access Panel, which is currently blocked by a heavy barrel.

Begin by interacting with the body of the Excavator Bot to the bottom-right, which will net you a battery.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

Then, go left again to get to the Building Front. Here, use your Dirty Solar Panel with the Waterfall Fixture to the left of where Edward is standing.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

This cleans the solar panel, so go back into your inventory and use the solar panel on the battery. Use this combination of Solar Panel + Batteries on the Sunrays at the top-left of this screen.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

Once the battery is powered, return to the Building Side and use the Powered Batteries on the Excavator Bot (where you got the batteries from originally).

You’ll enter the Excavator Bot’s control screen, but go back for now, as we have some preparation to do.

Interact with the cable hanging down from the ceiling and spiraling on the floor. Use this cable with the Excavator Drill Arm to the right.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

Return to the Excavator Bot’s control screen and switch off all the switches on the “Power Control” panel, and switch on the R-Arm switch.

If done right, The R-Arm panel at the bottom-right will start to glow.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

Use the lower button on the Drill panel, which will entangle the cable with the drill and snap it.

If you instead press the upper button on this panel, you will loosen the cable, and you will have to tie the cable to the drill arm again.

Once the cable is snapped, use the Excavator Bot’s control screen again and this time, press the upper button on the R-Arm panel. This will unspool the cable, allowing you to pick it up.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

Pick up the cable, and then use the cable from your inventory with the Excavator Shovel Arm (i.e. the left arm).

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

Return to the Excavator Bot’s control screen now, and switch off the R-Arm power switch in Power Control. Switch on the L-Arm power switch instead, which will cause the L-Arm panel to glow.

On the L-Arm panel, press the red button to the left, which will move the shovel arm to the left and thereby drag the barrel away from the Access Panel.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

Finally, use the toolbox from your inventory on the leaking access panel that you unblocked.

Next, you have to disable the anti-tampering device. To do this, you must align all the dials so that the squares are opposite the triangles. The top-left dial is fixed and aligned correctly, so you only have to move the other three.

Note that there are symbols to the sides of the dials as well, which are fixed. You must align the dials’ symbols to be opposite to the fixed symbols as well.

Align the dials as shown in the screenshot below to disable the anti-tampering device.

Murder on Space Station 52 Walkthrough - Demo

This concludes the demo.

Thank you for reading this walkthrough of Murder on Space Station 52. For more interesting articles on indie games, be sure to check out the links below!

This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke