Nightingale: Multiplayer options for playing in private and public parties

Nightingale Guide

Generally, I prefer playing games solo – partly for personal pride and mostly so I don’t let other people down. But I know that most people aren’t like that, and the promise of online co-op is part of the appeal. So, today, we’ll run through everything you need to know about Nightingale’s multiplayer.

Types of multiplayer in Nightingale

In case you weren’t aware, Nightingale is entirely PvE. That means that although you can play with other people, you can only ever work together. At the time of writing, there is no PvP or competitive mode that pits you against other adventurers. The game is still in Early Access on Steam, so that might change.

Nightingale: Multiplayer options for playing in private and public parties

By the process of elimination, we’re left with online co-op as Nightingale’s multiplayer offering. But even here, you have a few different options. You can either join a Public or Private Party. So, let’s go through the available options.

Private parties – Joining and hosting

If you want to play with your friends and are adamant they have to visit your Realm, the first thing you need to do is hit ‘P’. Doing so will bring up the Party & Social tab. 

At the bottom of that screen, click ‘Create Party’, and your player card should appear in one of the boxes. From there, it’s a simple case of typing in your friend’s character name in the ‘Find Players’ box and clicking ‘Invite’. 

Nightingale: Multiplayer options for playing in private and public parties

Once they’ve joined the Party, their player card will appear next to yours with two options below. Select ‘Invite to Realm’. Once they’ve accepted, they should be able to join you on your adventure. And that’s it!

For those looking to join another pal’s Realm, it’s an easy process. Make sure your friend knows your character name, and wait for the invite notification to pop up in-game. The crucial word there is in-game. If you’re sitting on the title screen, it’s not going to arrive. So load up your Realm first.

Public parties – Joining and hosting

If you don’t know anyone else who owns Nightingale or are feeling social, you could enjoy the multiplayer through Public parties. Once again, hit ‘P’ on your keyboard to get started.

Nightingale: Multiplayer options for playing in private and public parties

In the Party & Social menu, check that ‘Invites: Public’ is selected in the top right-hand corner. Now that’s done, you need to make yourself a Public Realm. 

To do that, head over to a Realm Card Machine and interact with it. Pop in your Biome and Major cards to set it up, and tick the ‘Public’ box in the bottom left. Now, when you travel there, you can invite any other players in that Realm to join your party by opening the Party & Social menu.

To join someone else’s Public Party entirely relies on patience. At some point, particularly if you have an impressive Gear Score, you should receive an invite. From there, simply accept, and that’s it!

Is multiplayer necessary in Nightingale?

No! Not at all. You can complete everything solo if you wish, although I would still recommend recruiting a companion to help you out on your adventure for the reasons outlined in our Nightingale beginner’s guide

That being said, by adventuring with a pal, you can complete quests together, share loot, and take on trickier bosses, among other things. While the Companions are serviceable, they’re unlikely to perform better than other human players unless you have a particularly terrible friend.

And that wraps up our guide to multiplayer in Nightingale. If you stumbled on this page because you’re interested in playing the game, check out the official website for more details about what to expect.

This Article was written by: Stephen Gregson-Wood