The Gardens Between – Complete Walkthrough – Part 2 (Sections 5, 6, 7, and End)

Stuck in The Gardens Between? Find out how to manipulate time just right with our two-part walkthrough guide. This part covers the second half of the game.

This part of the walkthrough covers the final 4 ‘sections’ of The Gardens Between. Each section is broken up into 2 or 3 levels. The game does not name its levels, but this walkthrough goes from the level represented by the computer, up to the ending of The Gardens Between.

Note that this is not an achievement-oriented guide.

The Gardens Between 5-1 Computer

Go forward past the number pad, balloon bell, and the printer, until Arina is on the wooden steps below the mechanical calculator thing. Between the second and third steps, the calculator will display a series of golden numbers: 644676. This is the code you need to enter into the computer using the number pad.

Go back in time. If you went past the number pad, the kids will have jumped on keys to produce the number ‘2764’. To replace that number with the number we need, you’ll have to do some tricky time manipulation.

Reverse time until Arina steps on 4 again, then 6, and then stop. This will form a 6-digit number that is invalid, so the computer will reset and ask for input again.

Now the first number we need is 6, which is the first number Arina jumped on. So go back in time to have Arina step on 6 and have the number reflected on screen. Then go forward to jump on 4. Go forward slightly, then back again to jump on 4 again. Next, we need a 6, so continue going back until Arina registers a 6.

Next, we need a 7, for which we need Frendt. Keep going back until Frendt steps on 7, and then go forward to have Arina step on 6 again. This completes the number we need.

The computer will now ask you for input on what to print. Make sure the first option is selected (i.e. that the first option has a blue background). The computer will select one item forward each time a key is pressed, so keep going back and forth in time until you have the right item.

Head to the balloon bell, and enter the sub-timeline. Go forward all the way to have the printer print a hanging bell. Ring it to have the flower bloom.

If you printed the wrong item, you can just go back in time (in both the sub-timeline and main timeline) to reverse everything.

Go forward until Frendt starts messing with the oscillator. Keep going forward step-by-step until you reach a frequency that causes the glass cage to start vibrating. Stop there and the vibrations will cause the glass to shatter, exposing the flower inside.

Now simply go up to the pedestal to have your lantern lit up and complete the level.

The Gardens Between 5-2 Dinosaur Skull

Go forward until you reach the balloon bell. Use it to enter the sub-timeline. Go back in time so that the red-brown rock is lifted and the path forward is accessible, but be careful not to go so back in time that the hanging bell is covered with amber. You need the amber to break, but for the red-brown rock to not obstruct your way.

Exit the sub-timeline and go forward so that Frendt reaches the hanging bell. Ring it to open up a flower. Go as far back as necessary to light your lantern.

Return to the balloon bell and go as far forward in time as possible, causing the bone to drop and give you a path upwards. Allow the dark flower to destroy your light and carry on.

Use the balloon bell and go back in time so that the red-brown rock is lifted, but the bone remains as a bridge. Go all the way forward, past the dark flower, and have your lantern light up by the blooming flower. Without going back to the dark flower, give the lantern to the GF.

Now go back in time to the balloon bell. In the sub-timeline, go as far back in time as you can, which will ring the two hanging bells on the scaffolding above. This will toggle the states of all dark and light flowers in the level.

Return to the state from before, where the bone formed a bridge downwards and the red-brown rock did not obstruct your way. Return to where you met the GF and pick up the lit lantern. Now you can safely return to the balloon bell without worrying about the dark flower.

Once again, go all the way back in time to ring the hanging bells and toggle the flower states. Then go forward just until the the bone forms a bridge upwards. If you rang the hanging bells, the dark flower on the way up will be closed.

Continue forward until you reach the cloud-obscured balloon bell. Reverse time all the way to complete the dinosaur skeleton. Exit the sub-timeline and go forward to reach the pedestal and complete the level.

The Gardens Between screenshot

The Gardens Between 6-1 Large Pipe

Go forward, ignoring the GFs and the hanging bell. Grab the light from the blooming flower and use the balloon bell up ahead. Reverse time fully to get the pink GF to sit in the slot near Arina. Exit the sub-timeline and let Arina hand over her lit lantern to the purple GF.

Go back to the balloon bell and this time, go all the way forward in the sub-timeline. In the main timeline, go all the way back to where the purple GF is located now. Grab the lantern and go forward, so that Arina passes through the cloud bridge instead of over it.

As soon as Frendt reaches the hanging bell, ring it to toggle the light flowers. Now go back again and put the lantern back onto the purple GF. With the flower near the bridge blooming, the bridge should be gone.

Go forward again, down where the cloud bridge was, and past the next cloud bridge. Once Frendt reaches the balloon bell again, reverse time all the way so that the lit lantern is near Arina again.

Grab the lantern and go back, letting the dark flower destroy the light. Keep going back and the lantern will be lit by the light flower again. Continue going back, and place the lantern on the blue GF, which should be near Arina.

Now go all the way forward to the balloon bell and go forward in the sub-timeline so that the blue GF sits near the pedestal. Exit the sub-timeline, go forward past the cloud bridge, pick up the lantern and use it on the pedestal to end the level.

The Gardens Between 6-2 Plumbing

Go forward, but keep an eye on the background. A drop of water will leak through and pass through the exposed wiring at the bottom of the screen. Manipulate time so that the drop stops exactly on the wiring, which will cause an electric arcs and crackling sounds. This will light the sewer lamp and remove the cloud obstruction.

Go forward, past the cloud, the cloud-covered GF, and the balloon bell. Keep an eye on the background and another drop will fall through the exposed wiring. Repeat what you did before: let the drop ‘hang’ on the wiring and the lights will go on again.

Once the lights are on, quickly get past the cloud. The lights will go off before you reach the cloud bridge, which will now re-appear. Go forward and ring the hanging bell to enable the light flower in the corner.

Go back again, so that the drop that previously fell down starts to go back up. Do the trick with the wiring again to turn on the lamps, and go back past the cloud obstruction.

Now use the balloon bell and in the sub-timeline, go all the way forward so that the leak springs a clear stream of water. Exit the sub-timeline and go back near the start of the level to have your lantern lit by the ‘falling’ flower.

Go forward and hand over the lantern to the formerly cloud-covered GF. At the balloon bell, reverse time all the way so that the stream is gone and you’re back to the drops of water. Exit the sub-timeline and do the trick with the wiring to turn on the lamps.

Now go forward, past the cloud bridge, and meet the GF to pick up your lantern. Head over the pedestal to complete the level.

The Gardens Between 6-3 Jacket

It’s time for some tricky jumping. Go forward until Frendt reaches the first balloon bell. Move the sub-timeline forward so that the yellow can is as close to Arina as possible (let the purple can fall). Now exit and move forward so that Arina walks on the can and crosses over to the island. Stop as soon as she does.

When Arina is on the island, Frendt should be able to use the second balloon bell. Enter the sub-timeline and reverse time a little so that the purple can is approaching the gap between Frendt and Arina. Exit the sub-timeline and go forward so that both Arina and Frendt cross over to the other side.

Go forward and you’ll find a pipe with a valve. To stop the flow of water, you need to turn the valve. To do that, stop time exactly after Arina jumps off of it and causes it to start turning. If you stop time at the right place, the valve will turn and the flow will stop, allowing Frendt to cross.

Go forward to watch the cutscene with Arina’s jacket. Arina will be stuck for a while, so you’ll only control Frendt.

Go forward and ring the balloon bell. In the sub-timeline, progress time so that the cloud bridge is near Frendt, then exit and go forward to cross past the cloud bridge and the pizza box. At the next balloon bell, reverse time so that the cloud bridge with the hanging bell is almost falling off. Exit and go back in time so that Frendt runs backwards on the cloud bridge. Ring the hanging bell above to enable the flower near Arina.

Go forward again to the second hanging bell and go forward in time so that the pizza box is almost falling off. This will allow you to go back in time again, past the pizza box and the first cloud bridge, back to where Arina is. Continue going back until Arina’s lantern is lit.

With her lantern lit, Arina will no longer be stuck. Go forward to the balloon bell and manipulate time so that the cardboard box is near the duo. Exit and go forward over the cardboard box. Hand over the lantern to the GF, and reverse time so that you’re back at the balloon bell.

Enter the sub-timeline and go forward so that the cloud bridge is approaching the duo. Cross over, grab the lantern, and cross the pizza box to reach the other side.

With your lantern lit, climb up the formerly cloud-covered ladder, and keep going forward until you reach the pedestal to complete the level.

The Gardens Between screenshot

The Gardens Between 7-1 Playground Slide

Go as far forward as you can to grab the glowing orb. Go back to the balloon bell and enter the sub-timeline. Now go forward, keeping an eye on the GF graffiti. Keep going forward until it reaches the whale. Stop time when the GF is sitting on the whale’s tail.

Exit the sub-timeline and go forward past the see-saw and the whale’s bridge to reach the light bridge. Enable it and cross over.

Go forward to reach the balloon bell and use it to bring the GF to the tire. Exit, and you’ll find the GF is on the tire near Arina. Go back and place the lantern on the GF. Go forward to the balloon bell again and take the GF back to when it is on the top of the slide.

Go back in time until the light from the background GF transfers to the graffiti GF. Return to the balloon bell and go forward in the sub-timeline, crossing the clouds and bringing down the drawbridge.

Once the drawbridge is down, go back to the tire. Exit the sub-timeline, pick up the lantern as Arina, cross the drawbridge and get on to the pedestal to complete the level.

The Gardens Between 7-2 Audio Player

Go forward, but don’t ignore the cloud. Wait near it, and the orange GF will jump close to it, allowing you to pass through. Go through and have the orange GF light your lantern. Ring the hanging bell, and then continue forward, past the next cloud. Let the dark flower destroy your light, and continue past the cloud bridge.

When you reach the audio player, Frendt will change the radio frequency. The GFs will jump from one position to another depending on the color of the notch selected on the frequency band. By default, the orange notch will be selected. If you take it to blue, the blue GF will move, and if you take it to red, the red one will move.

After you’re familiarized with the radio controls, move the orange GF to the ledge to the left of the cassette. Move the blue GF to near Arina, and then go forward to set the lantern on the blue GF. Take care not to move the red GF just yet.

Have the blue GF move to being next to the yellow one and light the lantern. Have the blue GF jump to the cassette and then the island. Now move the red GF to the cassette so that the coast is clear for the blue GF.

Move the blue GF back up to Arina’s position, grab the lantern and move up to the pedestal to complete the level.

The Gardens Between 7-3 Telescope

Go forward to have the flower fall and light your lantern. Proceed past the cloud and give your lantern to the GF. Head over to the hanging bell and ring it to enable the dark flower. Go back, grab your lantern and go forward past the cloud bridge. Grab the light from the lantern, enable the light bridge and proceed.

Ring the hanging bell up ahead to make the cloud and cloud bridge disappear. Grab the light in your lantern and go back again to ring the hanging bell a second time, which makes the cloud reappear.

Proceed forward so that Frendt crosses the cloud bridge and Arina reaches the GF. Hand over your lantern to the GF and continue past the cloud bridge.

Climb the ladder and ring the balloon bell to enter the sub-timeline. Now, go forward in time keeping an eye on the dark orb in the sky. Have it go past the lantern quickly so that your light is not extinguished (or you’ll have to do the previous part again). Once the orb is past the lantern, pay attention to the right of the telescope, where you’ll find a white outline of a hanging bell coming into form.

Once it’s roughly in the correct shape, exit the sub-timeline and go forward until Frendt can ring the ‘hanging bell’. Return to the balloon bell and reverse time so that the dark orb extinguishes your light. Then, reverse your time all the way back so that the light orb is to your left.

Exit the sub-timeline and go all the way back past the cloud bridge to grab the unlit lantern. Go forward, and the light orb should be present above the picnic basket. Stop time when the lantern is closest to the light orb and wait a little while for the lantern to be lit.

Proceed to the pedestal to complete the level.

The Gardens Between screenshot

The Gardens Between Finale 1

Go forward until you reach the two GFs. Give your lantern to the GF to the left, and reverse time so that the lantern is lit. Grab the lantern, enable the light bridge, and proceed.

Now you’ll encounter three GFs. Once more, give your lantern to the leftmost GF and go forward to have it light the lantern. Reverse time, grab the lantern and go back to unveil the cloud-covered hanging bell. Ring the bell to close the dark flowers, and then give your lantern to the middle GF.

Continue forward, past the cloud and cloud bridge, and pick up the lantern when you meet the GF. Enable the light bridge and continue forward.

The Gardens Between Finale 2

Go forward all the way until you reach a rock that stops your progress. Shortly before the rock, you’ll notice lightning strike the saw. Manipulate time so that the lightning is only halfway close to the saw. More bolts of lightning will develop and reach out to the rock, destroying it.

Go forward and use the balloon bell. In the sub-timeline, manipulate time so that the TV plug is close to the globe. Exit the sub-timeline, and in the main timeline, manipulate time to have the lightning bolt come halfway towards the paint can. Once again, bolts will emerge and light up the TV plug.

Proceed forward so that the GF emerges from the TV and lands near Arina. Give it the lantern and then go all the way back in time to the balloon bell. Go all the way back in time to have the TV be plugged into the socket. Exit the sub-timeline and go all the forward. The GF’s lantern should light, and it will break out of the TV again. Grab the lantern.

Return all the way to the balloon bell again and have the TV go back to its previous position, i.e. make sure the plug is near the globe and the Super Silly Crow title screen is on. Exit the sub-timeline and go forward until the GF sits on the green pipe.

Wait for the water to burst out of the pipe, driving the ball away. Take your lit lantern up to the light bridge and get past it.

The Gardens Between Finale 3

Take your lit lantern all the way to the pedestal at the end to complete the level and the game.

Don’t have The Gardens Between yet? Find out more about the game at the official website.

This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke

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