American Arcadia Walkthrough – Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

American Arcadia Walkthrough โ€“ Table of Contents

Check out our walkthrough of American Arcadia to find out how to complete the first three scenes of the game, including the prologue.

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for American Arcadia!

For more information on American Arcadia beyond this walkthrough, be sure to check out the official website here.


Scene 1

In the first controllable segment, keep running right and climb over the tree stump when you required.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

In the next controllable segment, interact with the alarm clock and start walking right. You can interact with objects and people in this prologue, if you’d like to learn more about Trevor’s life.

At one point, Trevor will be working at his computer by night. Press the CCTV button shown on screen to switch to CCTV mode. Interact with the lights above Trevor to turn them off.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Toward the end of the prologue, Trevor will walk left towards his bed instead of right as he has always done.

Chapter 1

Scene 2

Proceed right to your workstation and get working. Once Trevor gets up again, go right until you can use the elevator.

Use the elevator. After exiting the elevator, go right and keep running until you get to the next elevator.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Be sure to hit the elevator button as soon as you get to it, or you might get caught. As soon as you enter the elevator, hit the button inside to get the elevator going.

Upon exiting this second elevator, run right until you hit a dead end.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Scene 3

You will now take control of a new character, Angela. Upon gaining control, approach the cardboard box closest to the office door. The smartphone is on this box.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

You can also look around in Angela’s office to learn more about her.

Pick up the smartphone and then enter the following IP address: After this, wait until Gene starts working on Kendra’s computer, and you’ll regain control of Angela.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Interact with the red lock panel to exit the office.

Upon exiting the office, look to the right to find your first surveillance camera. Approach it and interact with it, then upload the loopcorridor.mp4 footage to it.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Now turn around and continue until you get a “100% Walton” poster to your left. Take a right here and go straight and take another right at the Meeting Room.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

You’ll find the second camera in a corner here, above some red plants. Link this cam to looplobby.mp4.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Now backtrack to the “100% Walton” poster and go right from there, towards the sign “Arcadia Dome”.

Look left from here to find the third surveillance camera. Link this camera to loopserver.mp4.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Upload all three videos to the cameras and then turn around to find the server room straight ahead. Approach it.

Hug the window to the left and approach the sign that says “Server Room”, and look inside. You should see the code to the Server Room on a sticky note that’s stuck to the computer monitor here.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Interact with this code, and then interact with the keypad next to the Server Room door. Enter the code ‘1208’.

Enter the Server Room and go in the back, where you’ll find a part of the server you can interact with it. It’s located just below a sticky note saying “Admin Permissions”.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Now get out of the Server Room by using the palm reader to the left of the door, and make your way back to Angela’s office. As before, use the red lock panel to open the office door.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (Scenes 1-3)

Once you’re back inside, interact with the computer monitor again to regain control of Trevor.

Head to the next part of our walkthrough of American Arcadia here!

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This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke