American Arcadia Walkthrough – Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

American Arcadia Walkthrough โ€“ Table of Contents

Check out our walkthrough of American Arcadia to find out how to escape the central station as Trevor and sneak code into a tape as Angela.

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For more information on American Arcadia beyond this walkthrough, be sure to check out the official website here.

Chapter 3

Scene 12

Begin by walking right and keep walking right until the very end. When you regain control of Trevor, start moving left.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Keep running left until you see a CCTV prompt. Switch to CCTV mode while still running, and quickly raise the barrier on the street. Jump onto the van when it stops (provided you raised the barrier in time).

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Once you’re on top of the van, quickly jump right and climb up to the roof. Keep running right now. When you reach a CCTV prompt, switch to CCTV mode and switch the left conveyor’s direction.

This will speed Trevor through, but remember to re-reverse the conveyor’s direction once Trevor is in the clear. This will slow down the interceptors chasing you. Do the same thing for the second conveyor.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Make for the elevator, but don’t run directly into it. When the elevator doors open, start running left. Switch to CCTV mode and move the van close to Trevor, so that Trevor can jump onto the van and then one floor higher.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

As Angela suggests, climb the ‘horrific’ statue and jump right. Continue running right now and jump when you get to the grassy slope. This will take you to the freeway.

Avoid the cars and keep running right. After crossing the divider, switch to CCTV mode to get a better view of the road. This latter section may take several tries.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Once you get to the other side, slide down and head toward the Blue Fountain mall. Keep running right now and open the shuttered door with CCTV mode when you can.

After that, keep going into the mall and proceed to the arcade. Interact with the Spectrex cabinet to end this scene.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Scene 13

On gaining control of Angela, go into the lobby and wait for Angela to have her revelation. Then, go through the Recording Studio door.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Head to the very end of this corridor to find the Storage door. Here, as you approach the door, Angela will note the initials of the person in charge of the Storage area.

Now head back to the lobby and go to the Cafeteria, which is on the opposite side of the lobby. Here, you’ll find the gentleman named ZW at a Blitzcola vending machine.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Approach the table behind him, which has his phone on it. Interact with the phone to clone ZW’s ID.

Now return to the Storage room and use the red lock panel here to enter.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

The Storage room is a complete maze. Enter by taking a right at the empty executive chair, and continue until you encounter a fork, where you should take a right toward another executive chair.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Continue until you find some boxes on a table. Crawl under the table and take a right at the studio light. Continue until you find a closed ventilation duct, and interact with the vent to go through.

At the end of the vent, look right and head into the Video Editing room. Here, look to the right for some VHS tapes.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Pick up the yellow VHS tape apart from all the others, and then go to the screens marked ‘Insert Tape’.

Interact with the VCR to the right of the screens to initiate the steganography puzzle. Here, you have to match strings on the left screen to the ones on the right screen.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

The strings can be 2-4 cells long, and can stretch up, down, left, or right. The direction will not always correspond to what you see on the left screen.

To solve this puzzle, identify the position of a cell on both screens (for eg. B6). Then, check the cells around that cell on the blue screen, and draw a matching string on the black screen. Here’s an example below.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Don’t worry about making mistakes, as that won’t cost you anything. Continue until you’ve covered the entire grid.

After you regain control, head back into the lobby and then exit the building.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

When you get to Angela’s apartment, you can explore and learn about Angela’s life if you like (although you have a conversation and video to go through first).

On regaining control, go to Angela’s computer near the windows. Use the VCR here to continue.

American Arcadia Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Scenes 12-13)

Head to the next part of our walkthrough of American Arcadia here!

This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke