Botany Manor Walkthrough – Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

Botany Manor

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Botany Manor.

For more information on Botany Manor beyond this walkthrough, check out the official website here.

Note that to follow this part of the walkthrough, you will need to have explored all the new areas in Chapter 3. Follow our Chapter 3 Exploration guide to find out how to do this.

Pixie Tears Seeds and Clues

You can find Pixie Tears seeds in a shed located in the orchard. The shed is near a white table with two white chairs around it.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

The Pixie Tears requires 5 clues. Here’s where to find them:

1. Apple Blending – Cider Garden – A sheet of paper found on the counter with several books and apple varieties on it.

2. Cider Apples – Cider Garden – A poster with diagrams of cider apples on it, found hung on a wall near the counter with the cider apples on them.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

3. Microscope Slides – Orchard – On a table with a microscope, under a covered platform.

4. Chloroplasts Book – Orchard – On a small table next to the table with the microscope.

5. Pot Notes – Orchard – In the shed in the orchard, opposite where you found the Pixie Tears seeds.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

Pixie Tears Explanation

We learn from the Chloroplasts book that not all plants have chloroplasts and that such plants absorb sugars through their roots. These plants require sugar added to their soil. You can also see a diagram of what chloroplasts look like.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

We learn by examining the microscopic slide of the Pixie Tears that it has no chloroplasts, and that therefore, we will need to add sugar to its soil.

We learn from the Pot Notes how much nutrition to add depending on which type of pot we’re using. As we only ever use the top-right type of pot, we require 97g of nutrition.

We learn from the Apple Blending paper how much sugar can be found in each variety of apple. We will need to total apples to 97g of sugar for the Pixie Tears.

We learn from the Cider Apples poster what each of the named apples looks like.

Pixie Tears Process

After acquiring the Pixie Tears seeds, prepare a pot with them. Remember to water it.

Take the Pixie Tears pot into the Cider Garden and put it on the saucer in front of the big apple press.

Now take one Knobby Russet (40g), one Cat’s Head (30g), and one Merlin’s Mist (27g), and put them on the press. This will total to 97g of sugar.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

Use the press now, so that the juice gets extracted into the Pixie Tears pot. This should cause the Pixie Tears to bloom.

Wolfglove Seeds and Clues

You can find Wolfglove seeds located on the bottom floor of the Orangery, on the edge of the fountain. To get to the lower floor of the Orangery, follow the clues and instructions in the “Chapter 3 Exploration” section.

The Wolfglove requires 7 clues. Here’s where to find them:

1. Nursery Rhyme – Orchard – An open book on a table next to some toys in a box.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

2. Letter from Builder – Old Tower – Actually located outside the old tower, down the stairs, on a small table next to a suitcase.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

3. Wind Research – Orangery – On the terrace outside the upper floor of the Orangery, on a table with an hourglass on it.

4. Alpine Weather – Orangery – A thin pamphlet next to the Wind Research book.

5. Letter About Alps – Orangery – On a small green table on the upper floor of the Orangery, opposite the back terrace entrance.

6. Envelope With Stamp – Orangery – Next to the Letter About Alps.

7. Coin Collection – Orangery – In two long cases (you only need access one), found on tables on either side of the fountain at the bottom floor of the Orangery.

Wolfglove Explanation

We learn from the Nursery Rhyme that the Wolfglove is found on mountain tops and causes whistling tunes.

We learn from the Letter About Alps that Natty heard a whistling tune coming from a tiny flower, indicating that the Wolfglove is found in the Alps.

We learn from the Envelope with Stamp that the letter was sent from a location whose stamp is a ram’s head with a star above it.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

We learn from the coin in the coin collection that this symbol represents Weisshorn in Switzerland.

We learn from the Alpine Weather book that the windspeed at Mount Weisshorn is 40 f/s.

We learn from the Letter from the Builder that the Old Tower can have ‘ferocious’ winds within it.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

Finally, we learn from the Wind Research book what configuration of open and shut windows will cause a wind speed of 40 f/s, and on which floor (4th).

Wolfglove Process

As usual, plant a Wolfglove and water it.

Take the Wolfglove to the Old Tower, and place it on the saucer next to the Anemometer.

Now use the lever to the right of the pot to move up once. On the first floor, open the wooden windowpane on the right.

Botany Manor Walkthrough - Chapter 3 (Pixie Tears, Wolfglove)

Move up to the third floor now, ignoring the second floor. Open both windowpanes on this floor.

Move up to the fourth floor, and open both windowpanes again. The combined wind speed will cause the Wolfglove to bloom.

You can now go down the Old Tower, as Chapter 3 is complete.

Head to the next part of our Botany Manor walkthrough here! (Chapter 4 Exploration and Sapphire Gloom)

This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke