Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

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Check out our walkthrough of Planet of Lana to find out how to complete the eighth and ninth levels, The Ocean and The Turning Tide.

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Planet of Lana. This guide covers both the story and all shrine locations in the game.

For more information on Planet of Lana beyond this walkthrough, be sure to check out the official website here.

The Ocean

Go right, crawling through the tunnel until you spot a scanning robot. Hide in the grass to the left of the robot to escape its gaze.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Run to the right once the robot passes to your left, and drop down the ledge to the far right. Pull off the front of the control panel below the ledge here, and interact with the control panel.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Move the scanning robot to the right and drop it over the pressure pad, which can be found on the platform to the right of Lana and Mui. With the robot on the pressure pad, the tentacle will be extended and you can climb up onto the platform.

Proceed to the right to find a raft, and get on it.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

This concludes the very short chapter, The Ocean. Continue reading this walkthrough of Planet of Lana to find out how you can clear the next level of the game, The Turning Tide.

The Turning Tide

As you begin with the beached raft, run to the left as far as you can until Lana starts swimming, then swim to the left until you find a Shrine. This is the Eighth Shrine in the game.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

After you’re done interacting with the shrine, return to the water and swim to the right until you find the beached raft again.

Run right, which you’ll be doing for a while, until you reach a rock with a tunnel small enough for Mui, and a boar on the other side of the rock.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

We need to stop the boar on the pressure pad long enough for Lana to cross over to the right. To do this, send Mui through the small tunnel, but not too far through. Wait for the boar to approach the tunnel, and then have Mui hypnotize the boar.

With the boar hypnotized, lead the boar to the right and have it stop on top of the pressure pad flowers.

Without letting go of the hypnosis, have Lana jump onto the tentacle plant, then run to the right past the boar, and climb up the ledge to the far right. Have Mui follow you once you’re on the ledge.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Send Mui up to the higher ledge to drop the rope down, then climb it and go right.

Proceed right past the gap and repeat the rope-dropping procedure on the next ledge you encounter. Climb up the rope and go right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

You’ll find some tall grass here, and a scanner robot to the right. Wait for the scanner robot to go to the right, and then drop off the ledge. Immediately crawl left to hide in the nook underneath the ledge.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Now wait for the robot to go to your left and start running right. Jump off of the ledge and onto the next one.

As you proceed right, you’ll spot a scanner robot kill a carnivorous plant. This is in your favor for now, so wait in the tall grass and when the robot passes to the left, start running right. 

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Wait in the next clump of tall grass, and when the robot goes to the left again, jump off the ledge and immediately crawl into the tunnel to the right to avoid the robot.

Proceed to the right from here to find the large mass of a carnivorous plant that you can’t jump across or kill (yet). Instead, look to the upper-left of the plant and you’ll find a rope that Mui can drop down for you. Send Mui up there, drop the rope, climb the rope, and then swing on the rope.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Once you get a wide enough swing, launch Lana to the right, past the carnivorous plant. Crawl through the tunnel below the ledge to find a control panel. Pull off the front cover and start using the control panel.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Move the scanner robot to the right, over the rock that you crawled under, and into the little cove. Hover it over the carnivorous plant to zap the plant, and then proceed right, as the robot, to zap three more plants on the way out of the cove.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Before you abandon the robot, take it all the way to the top platform of this area, where you’ll find a shrine. To the left of the shrine, there’s a bed of pressure pad flowers. Drop the robot on this pressure pad and exit the control panel.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

As Lana, exit the tunnel by going left, and then climb the rope. Go to the left, then up, then climb up the tentacle plant to reach the topmost platform of this area. Here, you can access the penultimate shrine in the game, the Ninth Shrine.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Remember to get back down the same way you came! If you drop off the ledge to the right, you will die.

Once you’re back to tunnel with the control panel, jump on the ledge and go right, past the neutralized carnivorous plants.

Jump off the ledge here and continue right to find a patch of ocean that Lana can swim across – but Mui can’t. Instead of swimming just yet, climb the ledges and jump onto the yellow rope.

Swing the rope and jump onto the ledge to the right. Continue right and dive into the water, then go left onto shore.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

There’s a log here that you can use to ferry Mui across. Grab the log and drag it to the right, so that the wooden barrier comes down, and then drag the log to the left through the water to the left shore.

Mui can now get on the log, so have them follow you. Once Mui is on the log, drag the log to the right, across the water. Don’t stop here, though, continue dragging it through the water to the right of this shore, until you get to the stone platform to the far right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Once you’ve brought Mui there, send Mui up to the coiled rope and have them drop it down. Climb up the rope and go right.

In this new coastal village, keep going right and stop under the middle of the first roof you find. Wait here for the scanner robot to go to the left, and then run right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Keep going right past the pressure pad, so that you end up in a tall-roofed tunnel with another pressure pad in it.

Go a little to the right and watch for the boar. Once you get the prompt, have Mui hypnotize the boar.

Move the boar to the left, being careful not to let the robot find Mui. Once the robot goes to the left, move the bear over the first pressure pad, which should hide Mui in the tall grass.

If the boar dropped dead right on the pressure pad, then you’re good. Otherwise, have Lana drag the boar’s carcass onto the pressure pad, which enables the first tentacle plant.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Send Mui to step on the second pressure pad, i.e. the one at the end of the tunnel. With this, two tentacle plants will be unfurled. Have Lana climb up the both plants and jump to the left to find a control panel for the scanner robot.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Pull off the front of the control panel and use the control panel to move the scanner robot. Take the scanner robot onto the uppermost platform and have it sit on the pressure pad there, which unfurls the third tentacle plant.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

As Lana, get on the top platform and have Mui follow you up there. Move Mui onto the same pressure pad that the scanner robot is sitting on, and then return to the control panel. Move the scanner robot to the right, then down into the area the boar was formerly patrolling. Place the scanner robot on the final pressure pad here to unlock the tentacle going right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

As Lana, return to the top platform, then go right, having Mui follow you, to cross the gap. Have Mui hypnotize the barrier plant and drag it left to open the barrier.

Have Mui follow you as you run right onto the next platform and continue up some more platforms and a tunnel. In the new puzzle area, we find a scanner robot and a lever worm.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Drop down the ledge to the lever worm’s little cave and have Mui hypnotize the lever worm. Take the water level as low as it can go, and don’t let go of the lever worm.

As Lana, run right into the water when the coast is clear and hide under the first rock platform. Wait for the second scanner robot here to go to the right, then swim to the second rock platform. Again, wait for the coast to clear, and go right to get underneath the third rock platform. You can now emerge on the far right stone platform.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Have Mui raise the water level as far as it’ll go, so that Lana can now clamber onto the third rock platform. Move to the second platform when the coast is clear, hiding in the tall grass, and then make your way to the first platform, again, hiding in the tall grass.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Drag the log on the first platform into the water when the first scanner robot isn’t looking, then hide in the tall grass again. When the second scanner robot goes to the right, dive into the water between the first and second platforms.

Now lower the water level as far as it’ll go and wait for the first scanner robot to go up. While it’s up, drag the log to the far left of the area. Now have Mui follow you onto the log. Note that you will be clear of the scanner robot while you’re the far left of the area.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

When the coast is clear, move the log to the right. Do this for the second scanner robot as well, so that the log is on the right side of the area and you can take Mui up to hypnotize the barrier plant.

Once the barrier plant has opened up, proceed right. You’ll be running for a while – once you’re at the ledge with the rope, have Mui go up and drop the rope, then climb the rope as Lana and go right.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Cross the wooden bridge, climb the ledge, and jump left onto the wooden platform to break through it. Now keep going right for a while, until you encounter another scanner robot area.

Go to the right side of the screen, climb up the ledges here to get to the far upper-right of the screen, where you’ll be safe from the scanner.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Wait for the scanner to start going left, and then follow it to the left, past the rope.

When the scanner descends to the right of the control panel, jump over the scanner to reach the control panel.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

As usual, pull off the front of the control panel to use it. Take the scanner robot to the control panel that Lana and Mui are at, and then direct Mui to sit on the scanner robot (yes).

Take the scanner robot with Mui on it to the right side of this area, where you’ll find an exposed yellow cable. There’s no electricity on it, so hover the scanner robot around the exposed cable and have Mui cut it while you’re hovering there.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

This gives Lana a rope to climb.

Land the scanner robot and then exit the control panel. Drop down the ledge and run right through the tunnel. Climb the rope that Mui so graciously cut for you, and then go right.

Drag the barrier plant to the left to open the way, and proceed.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

After a good bit of running, you’ll find an area with a path both above and below a platform.

Climb up the platform first, and direct Mui to sit near the ledge.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Then as Lana, run back down the platform from the left and go through under the platform.

Keep going right until you see the first eye open up. Immediately start running left, going as far as you can.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Once the giant spider monster reaches your area, a cutscene will play. You have to perform quick-time events here, which is to press or tap the right button at the right time.

Upon subduing the giant spider monster, have Lana climb back up to the platform where Mui is. Cross the spider monster’s body to go to the far right ledge, and then order Mui to follow you.

Planet of Lana Walkthrough – The Ocean, The Turning Tide

Once the cutscene ends, run right, and keep running right for a long, long time. After a point, you’ll encounter a cutscene and the level will end, taking you to… The Desert.

Check out the next part of our walkthrough for Planet of Lana here!

This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke