Turbo Kid Walkthrough – Part 1 (Machete)

Turbo Kid Walkthrough


This article has been created as part of a paid partnership with the developer behind Turbo Kid – Outerminds.

Check out our walkthrough of Turbo Kid to find out how to explore the skate park and acquire the machete with which to perform melee attacks.

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Turbo Kid.

For more information on Turbo Kid beyond this walkthrough, be sure to check the Steam page here.

Acquiring the Machete

Begin by riding your bike to the right as instructed, until you lose control of Turbo Kid.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

On getting back up, follow the on-screen instructions to get moving, jumping over obstacles and then hanging from the bars to make your way to the right.

Shoot the green button when you get to it to unlock your way forward. For the red button, remember to aim up as your shoot.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

You will eventually end up in a boss fight. Battle Skeletron until you lose control again and wake up in a lab.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

On waking up, go right and read the note to get your bearings.

We’ll begin by going to get your machete first. Exit the lab by going right.

Climb up the very long ladder and save at the teal couch. You should save at every opportunity you get, and then some.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

There’s quite a bunch of people to talk to in town, including a vendor who will only let you trade with him if you provide 500 scrap.

When you’re ready to go get your machete, run left until you encounter your first enemy. Shoot him down and proceed left.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

Keep fighting through enemies until you encounter another couch. Then, keep going left until you encounter a green door.

Approach the green door and then turn right to find some bars you can jump onto. Jump onto them and then back to the left.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

Kill the axe-thrower here and then drop down through the narrow gap to reach a green button. Hit the button.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

Return to the green door now and proceed left until you find another couch to save the game. Continue left from the couch.

As you continue left in the skate park, you’ll encounter a spear guy. Take him down as you go (he takes quite a bit of punishment before going down).

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

Continuing left, you’ll encounter a shield guy who can block your attacks. To take him down, jump over him and quickly shoot his back before he turns around. He is also vulnerable when he performing a shield bash.

Keep going left now until you find another couch. Save your game and go left into the next area, which is a junkyard of cars.

The first ladder you encounter here takes you on a platforming path to the right, where you’ll find a short story.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

To continue with the main path, ignore the ladder and go left. You’ll encounter a bot that can shoot shock balls at you. Take it out and continue left, ignoring the ladder going down (to what is a dead end for now).

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

Go right, jump onto the ladder near the couch and then save on the couch.

Make your way left across junk and hazards until you get to a dead end. Here, jump onto the ladder near the fires and go right after climbing onto the platform.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

Crawl through the narrow crawlspace, being sure to kill the rats and destroy their burrow along the way, and once on the other side, make your way up again.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

Go left up the platform and continue in that direction, avoiding the spikes and the dropper robots.

Continue left up the hill until you meet a thrower enemy. Take him out and drop down the hole to his left.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

Drop down again to acquire your machete.

With the machete, go right, destroying the wall and the junk to make your way to a couch. Save here.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

From the couch, go left to find a teleporter. You can also destroy the wall to the right and unlock the area back to the hole that you dropped down.

When ready, warp from the teleporter back to Naomi’s lab.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

On arriving in the lab, once again go up to the couch to save your game. You should now have enough scrap to unlock the shop, so take the ladder up from near the couch and go left to Dr Dealgood’s store.

If this is the first time you’re talking to him, run away from the store and then back to Dr Dealgood to deliver the scrap to him.

Turbo Kid Walkthrough - Part 1 (Machete)

You probably won’t have enough scrap to actually buy anything from Dr Dealgood, though, so let’s now go look for the Turbo Charged Shot.

Head on to the next part of our walkthrough of Turbo Kid here!

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This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke