Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough – Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough

  1. Part 1 (Entering the Abbey)
    • Devotee Glyphs: open, close, door, greetings, you, me, man, devotee, warrior, god, hide, seek, go
  2. Part 2 (Coin and Lens)
    • Devotee Glyphs: up, not, free, preacher, death, plant
  3. Part 3 (Church and Cemetery Puzzles)
    • Devotee Glyphs: key, pot, lens, potion, music, instrument, make, abbey, church, cemetery, garden, talk, help, love, see
  4. All Devotee Glyphs
  1. Part 4 (Frontier - Disguise)
    • Warrior Glyphs: warrior, not, love, death, wait, go, plural, protect, chosen, impure, carry, lay, push
  2. Part 5 (Observatory, Treasury)
    • Warrior Glyphs: duty, weapon, trolley, fortress, treasure, call, help, seek, scientist (+ bottle, crate, small, big)
  3. Part 6 (Ringing the Bells)
    • Warrior Glyphs: big, small, bottle, crate, vessel, instrument, balance, key, sun, moon, bellman, build, music, fear
  4. All Warrior Glyphs
  1. Part 7 (Bards' Gardens, Fruits)
    • Bard Glyphs: plural, warrior, go/pass, not, beauty, be, love/like, greetings, question, bard, weapon, have, idiot, you, me, seek, find, instrument, music, comedy
  2. Part 8 (Windmill, Games)
    1. Bard Glyphs: hammer, pliers, saw, play, ascend, fire, path, windmill, theater, agora
  3. Part 9 (Theater, Compass)
    1. Bard Glyphs: book, monster, brother, compass, north, east, south, west, man, free, abbey, fortress
  4. All Bard Glyphs
  1. Part 10 (Tunnels, Laboratories)
    • Alchemist Glyphs: me, you, plural, find, seek, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  2. Part 11 (Library, Mines)
    • Alchemist Glyphs: door, fairy, book, alchemist, bard, brother, gold, silver, copper, carbon, library, refectory, laboratory, mine, death, open, close
  3. Part 12 (Formula, Transforming)
    • Alchemist Glyphs: not, warrior, plant, make, fire, help, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, transformation, formula, monster, fear
  4. All Alchemist Glyphs

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Chants of Sennaar. This is a story-oriented guide, and while we do cover validating glyphs, we will not always state what a glyph is until it is time to validate it.

For more information on Chants of Sennaar beyond this walkthrough, check out the official website here.

Part 14

To successfully revive the tower, we must get all the peoples of the tower talking to each other. We also need them to establish contact with the Anchorites. Therefore, our goals will be twofold.

To establish links between the Devotees, Warriors, Bards, and Alchemists, we will use the teleportation terminals. To establish links with the Anchorites, we will use the mysterious purple doors.

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

In this guide, we’ll be doing the links from the bottom-up.

For now, exit the room by going east, then go east, northeast, and southwest. This should bring you to the teleportation terminal. Interact with it.

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

The terminal has three options. One is to teleport, of course – the middle one shows you established links, and the third is a video call function that you will use to help translate between the various languages of the tower.

For now, teleport to the very first terminal, marked 0. This is the terminal we found near the Devotees’ town square.

Use the terminal again and flip to the third option to translate between the Devotees and the Alchemists.

For the Devotees’ lines, translate as following:

  1. You, Help, Me
  2. Plant, Plural, Death/Dead
  3. Me, Not, Seek/Want, Plant, Plural, Death/Dead

For the Alchemists’ lines, translate as following:

  1. Me, Help, You
  2. Me, Make/Create, Potion
Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Now teleport to Terminal 2, which is in the abbey. Go southwest, northeast, and north. This brings you to the area with the devotee playing music.

Go behind the devotees and enter the door that’s partially obscured by a tree.

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

In this place, interact with the purple door and use your key. Enter through the door and go to the far left, where you’ll find a control panel for the door marked ‘Exile’.

You have to describe what you see here, so enter the phrase “Preacher, See/Look, Potion, Potion“. Proceed through the opened door.

Here, go northwest. When you find Exile, interact with the post-like control to its left to shut it off.

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Now backtrack all the way to the terminal – southeast, east, south, northwest, south, southwest. On the way to the cemetery, enter the hole in the wall as usual to find the terminal.

Now teleport to Terminal 3, which is outside the Warriors’ fortress. Let’s first establish the terminal’s link.

For the Warrior’s lines, translate as following:

  1. Devotee, Devotee, Not, Go/Pass
  2. Devotee, Devotee, Not, Make/Create, Music

For the Devotee’s lines, translate as following:

  1. Plural, Impure, Make/Create, Music

Then for the Warrior’s line, translate as following:

  1. Warrior, Warrior, Love/Like, Music
Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Now exit the terminal. Go north, northeast, northeast, down the stairs, then enter the doorway to the southeast.

Interact with the purple door in the next screen and insert your key, then enter.

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

As before, interact with the control panel next to the door. This time, the phrase you need to enter is “Plural, Warrior, Carry/Possess, Vessel“.

Go through the door – this time, Exile has enabled one of its security robots. Sneak past the robot by staying behind it at all times.

First, move to the middle position, then once the robot passes you, hide on the other side of the middle position. Once the robot passes you again, move to the third position, and once the robot has its back to you, go through the door.

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Once again, shut down Exile using the control on the post to its left. Then, exit the room and return to the terminal the same way you came.

At the terminal, teleport to Terminal 4, which is deep within the Warriors’ fortress. Interact with the terminal and switch to the translation tab.

Translate the Alchemist’s lines as below:

  1. Plural, Scientist, Seek/Want, Help, Impure
  2. Plural, Scientist, Fear
  3. Plural, Scientist, Not, Seek/Want, Death

Translate the Warrior’s lines as below:

  1. Warrior, Plural, Not, Fear, Monster
  2. Warrior, Plural, Help, Alchemist, Plural
Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

After this, proceed to Terminal 6, which is near the Bards’ theater. First, let’s translate. Switch to the translation tab on the terminal.

Translate the Devotee’s lines as below:

  1. Man/Human, Me, Greetings

Translate the Bard’s lines as below:

  1. Me, Me, Not, Man/Human, Man/Human
  2. Me, Me, Not, Free

Then, translate the Devotee’s lines as below:

  1. Free, Abbey, Be
  2. Abbey, You, Plural, Go/Pass
Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Now exit the terminal and go northeast, north, and west, where you’ll find a purple door. Interact with it, use the key, and enter through.

In the next room, use the control panel next to the door and enter the following phrase: “Theatre, Bard, Plural, Go/Pass“.

Go through the opened door to find that Exile has activated two robots this time. As before, move when you’re not visible to either robot. Deactivate Exile when you get to its chamber, by pressing the control panel post next to its screen.

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Now return to the terminal the same way you came, and teleport yourself to Terminal 8, which is in the Alchemists’ silver mine. Interact with the terminal and flip to the translation screen.

For the Bard’s lines, translate as below:

  1. Me, Seek/Want, Brother, Plural
  2. Warrior, Plural, Not, Brother, Plural

Translate the Alchemist’s lines as below:

  1. Book, Me, Find
  2. Brother, Plural, Me, Plural, Be

Finally, translate the Bard’s line as below:

  1. Me, Plural, Brother, Plural
Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Teleport to Terminal 9 now and switch to the translation tab.

For the Warrior’s lines, translate as below:

  1. Music, Warrior, Plural, Love/Like
  2. Fortress, Bard, Go/Pass

Then translate the Bard’s lines as below:

  1. Plural, Chosen, Carry/Possess, Plural, Instrument
  2. Plural, Chosen, Love, Make/Create, Music
  3. Plural, Chosen, Go/Pass, Fortress
Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

We now have only one link left. To find it, exit the terminal screen and go southwest, then immediately down the stairs. Interact with the purple door, plug your key in, and go through.

As usual, interact with the control panel next to the Exile door, and enter the following phrase: “Six, Book, Plural“.

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Inside, you’ll find that you now have to deal with three security robots. Sneak your way past them and then, use the control switch to turn Exile off on this level as well.

Return to the Terminal the same way you came. We’ve rebuilt all the links between the people, so now it’s time to finally get to the top of the tower. Teleport to the final terminal, i.e. Terminal 10.

Now return to the big purple gate: go west, northwest, and west. Interact with the control panel here, plug in your key, and proceed up the tower.

Chants of Sennaar Walkthrough - Part 14 (Rebuilding the Links)

Go all the way up the ramps and the stairs, and interact with the pedestal at the top of the tower. And with that, we see our ‘The End’ screen.

But wait! The game’s not over yet. As you return to life, you’ll find yourself pursuing the true end to this story.

Proceed to the next part of our walkthrough of Chants of Sennaar here!

Thank you for reading this walkthrough of Chants of Sennaar! Also be sure to check out our coverage of other indie games from 2023!

This Article was written by: Rahul Shirke